TORDAY et JOYCE 1922. Notes Ethnographiques sur des Populations Habitant les Bassins du Kasaï et Kwango Oriental

€ 125,00

Notes Ethnographiques sur des Populations Habitant les Bassins du Kasaï et Kwango Oriental :
1. Peuplades de la forêt
2. Peuplades des prairies 
par E. Torday et T.A.Joyce. 17 Aquarelles de Norman Hardy, 1922.

Brussels 1922. 394 pages ; 399 pictures & illus ; 17 aquarelles by Norman Hardy (see photos).

In this impressive ethnographic study you will find a lot of field pictures and information about the ethnic groups (as the Mbala, Songye, Tetela, Akela, Tofoké, Nkutu, Sungu, Luba, etc... ) living in the Kwango and Kasaï region in Central Africa / Congo. Torday and Joyce explored the region in the early 20th century. Their notes and field pictures (300 pictures and 100 drawings) are published in this incredible piece of work.

When you have this piece of work in your hands it is really IMPRESSIVE!!!